SCKLM 2017 - A Warm Up Race

Returning from the 5 months of hibernation and this SCKLM was my first race of the year. I haven't been doing much FM specific training recently so I didn't do quite well in the race. I didn't set any target and was hoping to run with following my HR which is to start with about 150 (80%) and end with 170 (90%) but half way into the race, at about km-4, I caught up with Ewe Bee Hong . Not quite sure why somehow we just ran together. I'd never met her in person but she is no stranger to me. She is one of the famous runners in Malaysia, always one of the top 3 winners! I ran with her from km-5 to km-31. I threw away my HR theory and just followed her all the way. We hold on to about 5:20 pace until km-31 which I bonked and slow down. I told her to go on and eventually she made it to the champion in her category! I was so glad that she won and managed to crack sub-3:45! She sped up after I dropped off, looks like I was holding her up. Haha! KM-34, almost wanted to cry ...