Cyberjaya Firefighter Night Run - An Unexpected Win

All happened when I didn't hope! My this year best so far! No sure what to prepare It was a night run. First night run in this year. It's been so long until I kind of forgot how to run a night run and I remember I couldn't perform well in most of my night runs. Like the Shape Run and BSN Run every year, I had never raced them well. The most horrible one was the Energizer Run 4 years ago which I DNF; almost fainted and went into the ambulance so I kept having the impression that the night runs suck. So this time it was the same, I was still not in the racing mode until like 1 hour before the race. The weather was so hot. I couldn't decide if I should take dinner and I forgot to carbo load. I forgot to buy 100 plus and gel. I didn't set any target and didn't know what pace to run with which was quite rare. Don't laugh man, I'm that DDLY and particular when come to running, I feel uncomfortable without doing them. They are like my running rituals...