
Showing posts from August, 2014

How To Predict Your Race Time

SIMPLE I use this formula to predict my race time. It's quite accurate. Google "Pete Riegel" for more information. T2=T1*(D2/D1)^1.06 Example 1: If your 5k race time is 20:00. Your 10k race time will be: 20:00 * (10 / 5) ^ 1.06 = 41:42 Example 2: If your 21.1k race time is 1:51:13. Your 10k race time will be: 1:51:13 * (10 / 21.1) ^ 1.06 = 50:24 This formula can apply under most circumstances for the race time prediction between 5km to 42km and if you do not require very accurate timing. However, if you want to be very precise then you might need to read the following sections. ADVANCE Everyone is different The value of 1.06 given for the exponent is quite unachievable for most of the people. It's different for everyone. You will have to experience and adjust the exponent value yourself. For example: mine is somewhere around 1.07~1.08 for most of the time. If you are a sprinter type of runner, then it's maybe somewhere around 1.09~1.10. If you a...

Energizer Night Run 之个人最佳

这场赛事是最近一个比较满意的作品。赛前所定目标是4:25的配速,如果能跑4:20那就是破了15公里赛的个人最佳。 15公里个人最佳! 赛前 一如往常,比赛前先会温习下路线及根据近况计算目标时间。这次的路线前半段不太熟悉,只能参考Google Map。上坡不多但有几个天桥,应该还好。比较担心的是大概5公里处Jalan Kuching转上Jalan Duta的那个交通圈,那里的斜坡蛮长的。过了这段路之后,就是来到非常熟悉的Bukit Tunku路线了。非常熟悉也讨厌,因为6.8到7.3公里处有一个非常斜且长的斜坡,每次练LSD必经之路,也是每年SCKLM马拉松的必经之路,曾爆过多少选手的天下第一斜。过了Bukit Tunku之后就是Jalan Parliment到Dataran Merdeka的路段了,一路平坦。所以除了中间一段以外,其他应该都还好,不算太难的路线。 至于目标如何设定?我每次都是根据近况来设定目标,不能太容易但也不能太难。最近的比赛是一个月前的Score Run。那次跑14.24公里,时间1:03:47,配速4:29,个人纪录是4:21。最近状态不错,经过了一个月的训练,有信心能跑快过4:29的配速,所以把目标设定为4:25。如果跑时状态良好,再尝试推4:20破个人最佳!所以望4:20做4:25。 开跑时间是8pm,所以5:45pm出门去吃晚餐及喝咖啡。开赛前两小时喝一杯咖啡已成了一种习惯,不喝的话心理会不舒服,喝咖啡有助排便及提升体力。有咖啡、有晚餐、不会太重又不会太远的地方在哪里呢?我的首选肯定是McDonald了,简单快捷。:) 吃完晚餐到了Padang Merbok把车停好后,立刻想上厕所,时间预算刚刚好。 到达Dataran Merdeka后,和朋友们哈拉了几下,讲点废话,拍了照后,大概7:25pm我就进去开赛区热身了。因为已经很多人在里面了,我不想重复前几年Nike Run的错误,站到太后面挤不上而跑不到,所以这次不废话这么多,进去了再打算。等了差不多40分钟才开始。由于有过上海马拉松等1小时的经验,所以我觉得站太久不是问题。进去后随便热身慢跑必10分钟左右。 步行至独立广场途中遇到一班hansem Teck Wai and Allen Nice bomb! LOL!...

Your 12-Week 10k Training Programme

I wrote a 10k training program article recently and got published on . I provided the schedule and the content in the points form and Adele  helped to finish up the article. Thanks for her help. Below is the article with slight modification. ---------------------- Are you about to sign up for your first 10KM race? Or are you a seasoned runner looking to improve on your speed in your next 10K race? Either ways, the training programme below will help you rev up your engines to finish your race in record time! What you see below is a simple 12-week training programme. If you’re an experienced runner, this will help you improve your 10K time. If you’re just starting out, this plan will guarantee that you finish within the qualifying time (as long as you stick to the plan!). The 10K training plan is pretty straightforward. Aim to do 2 key workouts a week (hills, intervals, tempo, hard runs) followed by easy runs along t...

Pacemakers Anniversary Run X Race Report

The Mighty Awesome Team Our ParX Cari Brazil team members were originally picked by Shu Wei back in Jan/Feb after some discussion with Fabio and me. We locked down all 5 members including Fabio. The 4 guys Jing Jing (JJ), Ho Hoo Yeen (HYH), Fabio and I were quite similar standard with an "unknown" lady Adele. Adele was good but we didn't know she was so damn good at that time! A fter the team was confirmed, JJ and I started some serious training and friendly competitions. We stopped running for a few m onths already. If we didn't train, we would definitely be the culprit. Especially me, I couldn't even complete a single race nicely at that time. Most of the races I end up walking or doing super positive splits. Around Apr and May that time Adele started to shine already giving me more pressure. I had problem keeping up with Adele’s pace in the training! I didn't tell her, ha! I mean I could still keep up but it's not as easy as I thought. Uh oh d...